Ditch the excuses, conquer your fears, and achieve anything.

Are you ready for your most transformative year?

Ready to get tactical when it comes to your goals?

Achieve your goals for good, using my signature method to accomplish them.

Welcome to the…

Goal Strategy Programme

This programme is designed for busy professionals and coaches who have a serious desire for change.

I’ve taken my most effective tools, techniques and processes and wrapped them up (with a bow!) into one 12-week programme that moves you from awareness to specific actions to drive progress towards your goals.

Think of the Goal Strategy Programme as your new GPS - your roadmap of YOU.

Imagine, in just 12 weeks:

+ You’ve made tangible progress on your goal - if not reached it (for my overachievers!)

+ You feel EMPOWERED. Instead of apologising for what you’re “not”, let’s maximise everything that you “are”

+ You finally understand the reason WHY some goals have been on your list for ages, and others are easy to action

+ You feel a renewed sense of purpose and fulfilment that feels genuine and aligned with your true self, rather than what you "should" be doing.

+ You’ve released some tricky emotions that have been hanging around, and feel a sense of freedom

+ You have clarity for the first time in ages and a roadmap to help you make good decisions (and stick to them!)


A.K.A - Gabs to my friends!
I’m a 30-something, proud South Londoner and goal strategist. Basically, I’m an expert in getting things done.

Not in a surface-level productivity spreadsheet kind of way.

In an authentic, I know myself inside-out and work with what I’ve got to maximise my results with the least pain sort of way. #IYKYK

I’ve always been fascinated by two questions:

  • What really motivates people?

  • Why do some people get what they want and some don’t?

Hey, I’m                              


This led me to a solid career (think 10 years +) in talent development, where I climbed the ranks taking on big roles at big companies and eventually reaching the level of Global Lead/Manager.

I was known as - and, to be honest, prided myself on - being super ambitious, driven and productive.

However, the trouble with pushing yourself so hard is that no one tells you when to stop. The cycle of work-hard, push-harder became my entire identity, and I:

  • lost sight of how I wanted to live.

  • spent so long thinking/ worrying about and working on my ‘development areas’…that I’d forgotten how to embrace and maximise my strengths.

  • And my personal goals (and some of my personal life) had fallen by the wayside, forever “on the list” for the magical day when I had time to sort it out.

I was only in my early 30’s…. seriously, was this IT for the next 30 years!?

I didn’t like going through the motions; I felt like I was doing myself a disservice.

And although the thought of making some big changes was terrifying, I was more terrified of retiring with regret and thinking, “WHAT IF”.

After all, the number one regret of the dying is: I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

So, I went through my own version of what is now the Goal Strategy Programme.

I got brave, sat down and took time to re-design my life. I tackled the hard stuff, got curious about what was holding me back and overcame my roadblocks.

Then I took SPECIFIC ACTION to IMPLEMENT my STRATEGY. I got external help to kickstart and get out of my own way and I realised the value of investing in myself. Now, I’m living the life I really want. I’m proud of it and genuinely fulfilled by it.

And I’d love to be the person that helps you do the same!

My results from applying this framework:

  • Exiting corporate life - I’ve been working for companies since I was 15

  • Creating and running my own successful business - doing what I love on my own terms

  • A daily sense of purpose - that combines my work AND personal life, not sacrificing one for the other

  • Building a sustainable self-care routine - that gives me energy and a positive mindset

  • Phasing out toxic relationships - to make room for GREAT people in my life (both romantic and friendships)

  • Getting over my fear of visibility - I mean…hey! you’re reading this right now!! I would never have posted this 5 years ago

  • Attracting the best partner and relationship of my life - wedding incoming!

  • No more burnout, guilt or fear - I’m living with integrity

How would achieving these sorts of results change YOUR life?

Clients of mine have:

  • Achieved promotions to roles such as Interim CEO, Head of Payments, and other management and leadership positions

  • Tackled difficult conversations and reaped the rewards

  • Banished imposter syndrome and got promoted

  • Reinforced boundaries and experienced better work-life balance after crafting their new “working parent” identity

  • Gained clarity on their purpose and got clear on their next direction

  • Exited bad jobs and moved on to great ones that felt more aligned to them

  • Reduced procrastination and cut down on self-sabotage

    and more!

Gabrielle is transparent, trustworthy, knowledgeable and is natural at guiding people to their desired goal successfully.
— Meera, Early Careers Manager,

GSP is perfect for you if…

+ You would describe yourself as a go-getter

You’re action-orientated and ready to DIVE IN, get GOING and make PROGRESS. This includes ditching the excuses, and staying accountable.

+ You’re up for going beyond the surface level and exploring the unknown

This programme is NOT for the faint-hearted and we won’t be having a chat and making SMART goals. We will go MUCH more in-depth than that.

+ You’re prepared to put the work in

By taking the exercises seriously, reflecting in between sessions and committig to staying the course and trying out something new. You might surprise yourself with what comes up - if you stay open.

+ You’re willing to be stretched & challenged with an external perspective

Part of this process is shining light on some blind spots.

There’s NO sugar-coating here but there is plenty of empathy! I am both your personal cheerleader and critical friend - all in one!


I have no agenda - except your success (your win is my win!) but one of the BEST things about hiring a strategist is benefitting from an external perspective.

We give so much to the people around us - friends, family, children, colleagues, managers, clients, community.

But what are you giving to yourself?

100% of my clients in the past 18 months said they would work together again.

If you’re curious, THIS is what they had to say:

Alex, Learning & Development Manager, Financial Services

Gabrielle is amazing! She makes observations and gives advice in a direct but very non-judgemental way. She's like having a critical friend.

Yeme, Interim CEO, Charity/NFP sector

I would definitely recommend Gabrielle, you won’t be able to find a more supportive coach who is literally your personal cheerleader throughout the sessions and I know she'll be supporting me and following my journey now we've finished as well!

Liam, Head of Payments, Financial Services

Working with Gabrielle has been instrumental in my career progression, the experience was both challenging and rewarding at the same time. It wasn't your "typical coaching" experience.

Jade, Head of Digital, Financial Services

100% choose Gabrielle to work with, she is absolutely amazing! Gabs is an individual who truly cares about her work, puts you at the heart of it and through her fantastic skills can really help develop/coach you to achieve great outcomes.


  • Phase One: UNCOVER

    This is our discovery mode - and helps us get to the root of how and why we got here. This phase helps us explore what we need to learn, understand or accept about ourselves in order to move forward.

    We’ll also explore all your learnings from any previous trial and error, and use this to build a foundation for your strategy to move forward.

    Examples of the kind of things we’ll do: explore your values, beliefs and purpose, look at your motivational drivers, trial and error deep dive, and 360 feedback.

  • Phase Two: UNLEARN

    Sometimes we pick up habits, belief systems and patterns of behaviour that are really unhelpful but hard to break.

    In this phase we’ll explore the concept of “unlearning” - which habits and patterns do I need to reinvent to get what I want? We’ll break these down and build new ones so you can get out of your own way.

    Examples of the kind of things we’ll do: negative habits, boundaries, self-sabotage (procrastination, perfectionism, people-pleasing and more), reframing your "story", releasing negative emotions (fear, shame, guilt, resentment), using practical tools to embed them as your new normal.

  • Phase Three: UNLOCK

    In this phase, we’ll connect the dots and bring it all together to finalise your strategy. This phase is about harnessing the power of your true identity by implementing your strategy in a way that feels natural and authentic. We’ll work together to ensure achieving your goal is inevitable.

    Examples of the kind of things we’ll do: set real goals by reverse engineering, identity, systems and goals, the power of role modelling, building trust in yourself, integrity and the integration triad.


Before working together, it’s really important that we have a discovery call to check we have rapport and a chance for you to ask questions. Click below on the option you’re most interested in:

Goal Strategy Programme

12 weeks, 1:1 programme


  • 12 Weekly 60-minute Coaching Calls: with time for implementation and embedding

  • Customized Coaching Plan: each programme is fully personalised to YOU, no cookie-cutting found here!

  • 24/5 access to me via Slack/Voxer, with guaranteed 24-hour response to questions, reflections and voice notes.

  • Individual Strategy Report (post-programme): encapsulating everything we’ve worked on in one report; your road-map for life.